Allandale Veterinary Hospital
Manual Therapy
Massage therapy utilizes manual and mechanical manipulation of soft tissues to help reduce myofascial tightness, trigger points, promote relaxation, and improve tissue extensibility.

Massage therapy utilizes manual and mechanical manipulation of soft tissues to help reduce myofascial tightness, trigger points, promote relaxation, and improve tissue extensibility. This modality is especially beneficial when helping to relieve muscular discomfort from compensation.
Why would my pet need massage therapy?
Veterinary massage therapy could be beneficial to your pet for a number of reasons. This treatment is typically used in conjunction with other rehab therapies to help reduce muscular pain and tightness. Often, when a pet is injured, they start to compensate in other areas of their body. These areas can become very tight and painful from overwork and develop tender trigger points. Massage therapy helps to promote relaxation of these tight tissues and improve comfort.
When should I consider massage therapy for my pet?
If your pet is in noticeable discomfort, or just not moving and enjoying life the way that they used to, then massage therapy might be worth considering. As a popular form of rehabilitation, this treatment has been used to combat orthopedic issues and sport-related injuries for the more athletic pet. Additionally, massage therapy has been used to help senior animals who are suffering from a loss of mobility.
How does massage therapy work?
Your pet will be treated by a CCRP (Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner), who is educated on both your pet’s anatomy and their present physical condition. Therapy typically begins with the practitioner performing a pain and mobility assessment.
During this initial stage, the practitioner will also feel for any abnormalities that could impact their condition and get your pet used to their touch and help them to relax. Once your pet's condition has been properly assessed and they are comfortable with touch, the practitioner will begin treatment by manual and/or mechanical massage techniques to the affected areas of their body.
The duration of treatment can vary depending on the condition of your pet. It is recommended your pet undergo a series of treatments to fully benefit and regain their mobility more effectively.